Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Flashing the NEO Freerunner

  1. Download dfu-util from
  2. Download kernel from
  3. Download rootfs from
  4. chmod a+x dfu-util
  5. Open Freerunner in U-Boot mode(press and hold the upper left button + press the on/off key)
  6. Connect the freerunner using usb cable
  7. check whether there's more than one bus on ubuntu using the command ./dfu-util -l
  8. If there's more than one bus, check which bus is for the freerunner, and add this command in the below two steps --device ?x????:?x????
  9. Flash the kernel, go to the folder containing dfu-util, enter the command ./dfu-util -a kernel -R -D ./Om2008.12/Om2008.12-om-gta02.uImage.bin
  10. Flash the rootfs, go to the folder containing dfu-util, enter the command ./dfu-util -a rootfs -R -D ./Om2008.12/Om2008.12-om-gta02.rootfs.jffs2
  11. run ifconfig usb0 netmask
  12. Go to folder containing resolv.conf, run the command scp resolv.conf root@
  13. Go to the phone by using command ssh root@
  14. copy the resolv.conf using cp resolv.conf /etc/
  15. Remove the resolv.conf from before (not the one at /etc/) by using command rm resolv.conf
  16. Shutdown the freerunner
  17. Run the command ./ and ./
  18. Press the installer in freerunner
  19. Install OMbrowser2
  20. Finished :)

    For other resources, go to

Sunday, March 15, 2009


何ーなん --> 幾
誰ーだれ --> 誰
いくら --> 多少錢
いくつ -->幾個


こ --> 這
そ --> 那 (一個人的距離很近)
あ --> 那 (兩個人的距離很遠)
ど --> 哪
これ --> 這個
それ --> 那個
あれ --> 那個
どれ --> 哪個
この --> 這個
その --> 那個
あの --> 那個
どの --> 哪個
こちら --> 這位
そちら --> 那位
あちら --> 那位
どちら --> 哪位
ここ --> 這裡
そこ --> 那裡
あそこ --> 那裡
どこ --> 哪裡



Saturday, March 14, 2009

Will It Blend?

Will it blend is a youtube viral marketing show starring Tom Dickson. The concept is to blend almost anything. Well... Words won't say much, let's see the IPhone in blender:

After looking at the painful death of IPhone, let's look at another devastating blender version of a video camera

Now you know how it feels like in front of "the death".
For more video, You could go to BlendTec Youtube

The Youtube Videos that been featured on this blog are property of their respective owner. The writer of this blog is just re-publishing the article

Randy Jackson's America's Best Dance Crew

RJ's ADBC is a show by MTV that looks for a great dance crew throughout america. This few days, I have been watching (selectively) all of the show. From The season 1, JabbaWockeeZ as the winner over Status Quo. Season 2 with Super Cr3w as the winner over SoReal Cru. And season 3 (which is the hottest of them all), with Quest Crew as the winner over Beat Freaks on March 5, 2009.

On Season 1, The JabbaWockeeZ winning performance "The Red Pill" is far too good against Status Quo's "Jack In The Box"

Here, you can see the Red Pill performance on their tour

My personal favorite is their performance on "apologize" by Timbaland featuring One Republic

On Season 2, The Super Cr3w's performance was not as good as Fanny Pak or SoReal Cru, but they are still the winner.

Here's the deciding moment on Fanny Pak Vs. Super Cr3w
Fanny Pak - FlashDance

Super Cr3w - Footloose

On Season 3 - which are the most interesting season so far - the battle with Beat Freaks and Quest Crew were EPIC. Both have the same quality to be the winner. While Beat Freaks technique was actually better than the Quest Crew, But the Quest Crew was more entertaining.

Here's The Video of Illusion Challenge on Beat Freaks

Here's Quest Crew winning performance in or-Quest-ra

For those who wanted to look on the full Seasons, please go to or
click below for the seasons.

The Youtube Videos that been featured on this blog are property of their respective owner. The writer of this blog is just re-publishing the article

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Review on using GAE

Making this Portal is not that hard, you must think out of the box to get your result. Like when I'm trying to make a link afor the button, the root was to be put as "/", rather than "../" or "./". One more problem is applying the CSS into the web. There's some issues with the pic and the directories where you should the file. The embedded program is kind of easy because It could be embedded as normal javascript or by using iframe.

What's good about Google Application Engine is it's already given us the platform, so we just need to build inside it. But, I think the old-fahioned way using server-apache, php, SQL are a lot easier, especially you could use programs like dreamweaver to edit them. But, most of all, the easiest way to make a website, is using CMS (Content Management System) like Drupal and Joomla (Joomla also uses DJango framework, just like GAE)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How to start using GAE with Hello World example on windows XP

My Example of the application please look here
Now, let's get started...

  1. Register in (follow the step, including activation)
  2. Download and run python 2.5.4 from
  3. Download and run google SDK from
  4. Create a new folder named helloworld in Google App Engine
  5. Create a file, with the code:
    print 'Content-Type: text/plain'
    print ''
    print 'hello, world'

  6. Create a app.yaml file with the code:

    application: helloworld
    version: 1
    runtime: python
    api_version: 1

    - url: /.*

  7. Open command prompt, go to google_appengine/ helloworld/
  8. Run http://localhost:8080/ on the web browser
  9. To close the command prompt, press Ctrl-c or just close it
  10. Go to again, and click on create an application button (Remember your application identifier name)
  11. Edit the app.yaml file, and change the value of application: to your application identifier name (originally helloworld)
  12. To upload, run the command google_appengine/ update helloworld/ in command prompt
  13. To check, go to http://application identifier
  14. To learn more. go to